Designer Center

Designer Hub
Elimold's Designer Center provides you with tools, tips andeducational materials to help you design parts using best practicesfor optimal results.

Design Aids
Learn about the design elements, materials, and surface finishes ofinjection-molded parts by registering for our free design aids.

Design Tips
Get quick advice on creating plastic, metal, and elastomeric partsfor injection molding, CNC machining, 3D printing, and sheet metalfabrication. Designing with manufacturability in mind can accelerateproduction time and reduce production costs.

Parts Gallery
Kindly take a closer look at some of the remarkable projects ourteam has undertaken. At Elimold, we strive to deliver exceptionalresults and assist you in achieving your manufacturing goals.

Check out our selection of qualitymaterials for CNC machining, injectionmolding, sheet metal fabrication and 3Dprinting, for both prototyping andproduction stages.

Stock Plastic
Choosing an injection molding partnerthat has stock plastic materials can helpyou get your product to market fasterand cheaper. When designing aninjection molded part, material selectionis critical. This is because it affects thequality, performance, and overalintegrity of the finished product.

CNC Material
Elimold stocks CNC materials, choosefrom a wide variety of CNC materialsfor your next CNC machining project.View our list of materials used toproduce high precision, high qualityCNC machined parts.

Elastomer & Silicone Rubber
There are hundreds of manufacturingmaterials to choose from, includingvarious grades of elastomers andsilicone rubber. When selecting amaterial, consider material properties,manufacturability, appearance, andcost.

Standard Sheet Thickness
Elimold offers sheet cutting services.These services include laser cuttingand waterjet cutting. The tables belowserve as guides for different materialsand the standard gauge thickness sizesthey are available in.

Standard Thread
Elimold offers a variety of fabricationservices. These services include sheetmetal fabrication, CNC machining, andmore. The following table serves as aguide to part threads and their standardthickness dimensions.

Standard Inserts
Elimold offers injection moldingservices.These services include insertmolding. The following table serves asa standard guide to metal parts that canbe inserted for insert molding.

To help shed some light on ourservices, here are answers to thefrequently asked questions aboutprototyping and manufacturing.

There's a lot of industry terms to sortthrough in manufacturing. Explore ourglossary for quick definitions offrequently used manufacturing termsand acronyms.

Injection Molding Guide
With the right resources, even the mostcomplex plastic parts can be designedfor the injection molding process. Ourpart design guides will help you solve avariety of design challenges. Forexample, optimizing part designs formanufacturability, cost, and time to market.

Manufacturing Standards
Elimold has developed acomprehensive set of design guides tohelp you optimize your design for yourchosen manufacturing method; pleasereview them for important hints andtips.

Guidelines and Trend Reports
Digital Manufacturing Guides and TrendReports, Read in-depth guides andtrend reports on rapid manufacturingprocesses, industry innovations, partdesign, material properties, and more.

Supplier Guide
Find out what the Elimold PartnerNetwork is, how it works and whatadditional services are available topartners who join!

Elimold Production Guide
View the complete Elimold ProductionGuide to select the right process foryour custom parts.
Information Center

Elimold's blog is designed to share our hard-earned knowledge inprototyping.We hope these articles will help you optimize yourproduct designs and gain a better understanding of the world ofrapid prototyping. Enjoy!

Corporate News
Elimold's blog aims to share Elimold's expertise in prototyping andcorporate development information, including exhibition information.customer confidence and the latest developments. You can get toknow Elimold in depth!